Self, stillness & healing craniosacral therapy

“When you loose touch with your inner stillness, you loose touch with yourself. When you loose touch with yourself, you loose yourself in the world.
Your inner most sense of self, of who you are, is inseparable from stillness. This is the I am that is deeper than name or form.” – Eckhart Tolle

The quote beautifully describes the coming home to self, perhaps a universal longing of being human. This “self” is a constant truth, a place from where we can integrate our distracted, scattered and broken parts, back to wholeness. Where our adaptive, responsive and dynamic existence overcomes stagnation and isolation, to re-enter into flow. This is from where we heal. This is the self where we resource from, where we dip into the calm and clear water of our inner world, where the mind comes to rest and our system can reset.

Two important questions one may ask of oneself is:

1. How do I know when I am not in the centre of my being?
2. What is the most effective way to get back to my inner stillness?

Sometimes we acquired a “bracing” posture from a traumatic event, or over time tension builds up in our system. Craniosacral therapy helps to release the origin of stress responses that keeps the body locked in a compromised position, to more easily return self to stillness, inner equilibrium and healing.

Craniosacral therapy for healing self

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